Lead project TEN.efzn - Transformation of the Lower Saxony energy system

The transformation of the energy system towards 100 per cent renewable energy requires constant innovation in order to ensure a secure and reliable energy supply in the future. To this end, the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture is funding the broad-based interdisciplinary research network "Transformation of the Lower Saxony Energy System (TEN.efzn)" with 58.2 million euros from the zukunft.niedersachsen funding line. The network is coordinated by the Energy Research Centre of Lower Saxony (EFZN), which brings together more than 180 researchers from 15 universities, universities of applied sciences and non-university research institutions in Lower Saxony as well as other partners from other federal states over a five-year project period.

Scientific working groups at Clausthal University of Technology are involved in a total of four of the six so-called research platforms of the network via the Energy Storage Technologies (EST) and Drilling Simulator Celle (DSC) research centres and are taking on the lead coordinating function for two of these platforms.

Graduate College (LGK) Hydrogen and hydrogen derivative ammonia: The structured doctoral programme is dedicated to researching ammonia as a potential energy source of the future.
Research groups involved at the EST: Prof Thomas Turek (spokesperson for the research platform), Prof Jens Bremer, Prof Philip Jaeger, Prof Christine Minke

Trustworthy digitalisation of safety-critical energy systems: The research platform is investigating how the trust of end consumers in an increasingly digitalised and automated energy system can be strengthened.
Working groups involved at EST: Prof Ines Hauer, Prof Hartmut Weyer

Heat: The research platform focusses on the development of innovative heat pump technologies for buildings and industrial applications.
Research groups involved at the EST: Prof Ines Hauer, Prof Michael Fischlschweiger


Another research platform is being developed at the Drilling Simulator Celle at Clausthal University of Technology:

Geoenergy systems: The research platform demonstrates the utilisation of underground geo-reservoirs for sustainable energy supply.
Working groups involved at the DSC: Prof Leonhard Ganzer (spokesperson for the research platform), Prof Gunter Brenner, Dr Birger Hagemann, Prof Philip Jaeger






















The LGK hydrogen and ammonia research platform at the launch of the network with Science Minister Falko Mohrs (7th from left)
(c) Axel Herzig

The Heat Research Platform at the launch of the network with Science Minister Falko Mohrs (8th from left)
(c) Axel Herzig

The Trustworthy Digitalisation research platform at the launch of the network with Science Minister Falko Mohrs (centre)
(c) Axel Herzig

For enquiries

Dr. Jens-Peter Springmann

Telefon: +49 5321 3816-8000