About us

Since 2008, the Clausthal University of Technology (TUC) has been operating a research facility on what is now the EnergyCampus Goslar, which deals with current scientific issues in the field of energy. Founded as the "Energy Research Center Lower Saxony (EFZN)", a scientific institution of the TU Clausthal in cooperation with four other universities in Lower Saxony at that time, scientific research has been taking place in today's "Research Center Energy Storage Technologies (EST)" since 2016.

The strategic objective of the EST is to bundle and strategically coordinate the energy-related research competencies TU Clausthal has in the fields of natural sciences and engineering as well as law and economics in current areas of application-oriented basic research. It is precisely such a bundling of competences that makes it possible to work on new, highly complex issues in the field of energy, which cannot be adequately addressed to the required extent by individual discipline-oriented institutions and temporary research associations. In this way, an increased development of technological knowledge with the associated promotion of young scientists as well as a continuous further development of energy-related expertise is achieved.

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Address and arrival

EnergyCampus Goslar

EnergyCampus Goslar

Information on other TU facilities on the EnergieCampus Goslar